What is JROTC?
At SMA High, every student becomes a cadet, and through the Army Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC), they embark on a journey of growth and leadership. JROTC isn't just a program; it's a transformative experience that teaches the importance of leadership, service, personal responsibility, and the unique privileges of living in the United States. This foundation begins even earlier, with Military Science at the middle school level, serving as a precursor to JROTC.
From the start, students are immersed in values that mirror those taught at home—values like self-esteem, teamwork, and self-discipline. These principles are not just lessons but are ingrained in the SMA culture, setting students up for success well beyond graduation. JROTC empowers cadets to realize their leadership potential, instills a sense of accomplishment, and prepares them for the responsibilities of adulthood.
This program is the heart of what makes SMA extraordinary—a place where young people are motivated to become their best selves and prepared to lead with confidence and integrity. Embrace the SMA difference, where the future leaders of tomorrow are shaped today.
2025-26 Senior Leadership Application
Senior Leadership Application
Application Process:
All packets must be submitted no later than 27 February 2025.
Interviews are tentatively scheduled for 6 March 2025.
Regimental Staff will be announced tentatively on 13 March 2025.
Change of Command date TBD.
Eagle Regiment - High School
JROTC Instructors - High School
Cadet Leadership
Regimental Commander
Cadet-COL Avery Alexander
Regimental Executive Officer
Cadet-LTC Keller Button
Regimental Command Sergeant Major
Cadet-CSM Pierce Mihailoff
Regimental S1
Cadet-MAJ Aaliyah Seward
Regimental S2
Cadet-MAJ Elias Erquiaga
Regimental S3
Cadet-MAJ Mikaylo Kunin
Regimental S3 Sergeant Major
Cadet-SGM Hannah Monahan
Regimental S4
Cadet-MAJ Bella Foss
Regimental S5
Cadet-MAJ Natalye Taylor
Cadet of the Quarter
Cadet Reference
Military Science at Prep Middle School

William Edwards
SMA-CPT, Military Science, US Marine Corp Veteran / Non-commissioned Officer (enlisted)
Events - Military Ball Tickets On Sale NOW! 12.13.2024
- Military Ball
- Veterans and Memorial Day Parades
- Cadet Challenge
- Honor Flight
- Flag Retirement Ceremony
Military Ball
Veterans and Memorial Day Parades
Cadet Challenge
The JROTC Cadet Challenge is a physical fitness competition designed to test and improve the strength, endurance, and agility of every cadet. Through a series of challenging events, cadets are encouraged to push themselves to new heights and strive to beat their personal bests. This challenge not only fosters a spirit of healthy competition but also builds confidence, teamwork, and resilience among the cadets.
Being chosen for the JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge (JCLC) in the summer is an honor that comes with the opportunity to forge deep bonds and camaraderie with fellow cadets. During this intensive leadership camp, cadets work together through challenging exercises and team-building activities, creating lasting friendships and a shared sense of accomplishment. The experience not only strengthens their leadership skills but also unites them as a cohesive, supportive unit.
Honor Flight
To safely transport Veterans to Washington DC to honor them at their memorials and to give them the welcome home they deserve.
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Punta Gorda Airport (PGD)
Support our cadets as they embark on a profound journey to honor our nation's heroes. Your donation will help fund their participation in the Veterans Honor Flight to Washington, D.C., where they will have the privilege of accompanying veterans to visit the memorials dedicated to their service and sacrifice. This experience not only pays tribute to those who have served but also instills in our cadets a deep respect for the values of duty, honor, and country. Join us in making this meaningful opportunity possible by contributing today.
Facts to Know:
We are launching the Sarasota Honor Flight Guardian Program.
Our group will be based out of Sarasota Military Academy (SMA), with CSM Phinney serving as the first Guardian for the Sarasota County group.
Starting in 2025, the Sarasota group will begin flying out of Sarasota/Bradenton Airport.
Currently, veterans from the local and surrounding areas must travel to Tampa or Punta Gorda Airports to attend the Honor Flight.
SMA has the privilege of selecting 2 Instructors and 5 handpicked cadets to participate.
The cost per Guardian is $550.
Flag Retirement Ceremony
LET Resources
LET 1: Freshmen
Leadership and Education Training (LET 1) is the first of four core courses in the Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) high school program. Because the central focus of the JROTC program is to help develop strong leaders and model citizens. First year Cadets are introduced to content that will help the inner leader begin to emerge. JROTC focus is reflected in its mission statement “To Motivate Young People to be Better Citizens.” It is designed to teach high school students the value of citizenship, service to the community, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment, while instilling in them self-esteem, teamwork, and self-discipline. The program is a stimulus for promoting graduation from high school, and it provides instruction and rewarding opportunities that will benefit the student, community, and nation. There are approximately 314,000 Cadets enrolled in JROTC in 1,731 high schools led by 4,000 retired Army Instructors.
- Apply critical thinking techniques
- Build your capacity for life-long learning
- Communicate using verbal, non-verbal, visual, and written techniques
- Do your share as a good citizen in your school, community, country, and the world
- Take responsibility for your actions and choices
- Treat self and others with respect
- Participate as a member of a team, exercising mutual respect/discipline and sportsmanship
Cadets are required to have and maintain the following materials in class throughout the term (unless otherwise indicated):
Pen and/or pencil (pen should be blue or black ink) Assigned Book/workbook (Given by Instructor)
Independent reading book (every day at school)
Personal writing journal (composition notebook to be kept in class)
Water bottle (everyday- filled prior to class with water only)
Physical Training (PT) clothing (Thursdays and Fridays)
Any additional items that are pertinent to the day of the week or special project being conducted
LET 1 Course Curriculum Summary
- Intro to JROTC
- Organization/Traditions
- Customs/Courtesies
- Social Etiquette/manners
- Thinking Maps
- Self-Awareness (Winning Colors)
- Thinking/Learning/Reading/Studying Techniques
- Personal Growth Plan
- Personal Growth and Behaviors
- Thinking Maps
- Self-Awareness (Winning Colors)
- Appreciating Diversity
- Thinking/Learning/Reading/Studying Techniques
- Personal Growth Plan
- Team Building
- Team Building and Drill
- Stationary Drill
- Marching (squad/platoon/company)
- Decision Making
- Making Decisions/Setting Goals
- Anger Management
- Conflict Resolution
- Health and Fitness
- Understanding/Controlling Stress
- Cadet Challenge
- Service Learning
- Orientation to Service Learning
- Cadet led Service Learning Project
GRADING CATEGORIES/GRADING SCALE: The below listed 100% will actually be 80% of your semester grade; the Semester Exam will be 20% of the semester grade.
- Academics/Performance Evaluations 40%
- Employability 20%
- Inspection/Daily Uniform 30%
- Physical Fitness 10%
*Employability encompasses everything for your behavior to your preparedness for class. Factors affecting your employability grade are not exclusive to the classroom or campus.
90 – 100 A
80 – 89 B
70 – 79 C
60 – 69 D
0 – 59 F
Unless told otherwise, every Friday you will be required to bring appropriate clothing to change into for Physical Training (PT). You will need the authorized shorts and t-shirt apparel purchased from the school store(or children’s world), appropriate socks, running shoes and full water bottle. We will often find ourselves off campus without ready access to an appropriate water source, so it is imperative that you have your water bottle and ensure it is full prior to the start of PT.
If you are not able to change out on PT days because you forgot a portion of your PT uniform, you will receive a zero for that days training and you will be required to wear Class B uniform (NOT YOUR POLO) the following three (3) Fridays (you will still bring PT clothes on those Fridays to change into and participate in PT). If, for some reason you cannot conduct PT due to a medical condition, bring a note in prior to PT signed by your parent. An administrator will verify the uniform discrepancy and rule whether it is valid and for how long. I will contact them to discuss the possibility of future PT sessions which may require a doctor’s note.
Mondays are the days that we will have a formal in-ranks inspection. However, your uniform will be inspected daily at formation, in class, and while around campus by your instructor, other class teachers, administration and Cadet Leadership. You are ALWAYS accountable for maintaining and wearing your uniform correctly- on and OFF campus. The things you will in inspected for are: Uniform generally neat and pressed (wrinkle free); all awards and decorations are present, serviceable and worn properly; no excessive makeup (females); in compliance with jewelry standards; hair and nails are in compliance with established regulations/standards; earrings are in compliance with standards; shoes are clean, laced and properly secured; socks are correct and in compliance; belt is present, clean and worn properly, and last but not least- professionalism (courteous, and maintaining proper positions and protocols).
LET 2: Sophomores
This course focuses on the development of: better citizens by building skills in leadership, citizenship, life success, geography, cultural awareness, wellness; and fitness in a structured, interactive environment. The JROTC program is a cooperative effort on the part of JROTC and SMA to provide high school cadets with opportunities to become well rounded citizens. The flexibility of the program allows it to bear the scrutiny of professional educators and to meet the needs of the community. Satisfactory completion of the program can lead to advanced placement credit in the Senior ROTC program at participating colleges or advanced rank in the Armed Forces. Several components of the course have been identified for college credit that is awarded to cadets upon successful completion of the specified requirements. In addition, several components have been identified to meet high school graduation requirements while gaining leadership skills through the program. The JROTC program is one of the Army’s contributions to motivate America’s youth to become better citizens. The program produces successful Cadets and productive adults, while fostering in each school a more constructive and disciplined learning environment. This program makes substantial contributions to many communities and ultimately to the nation’s future. It is the centerpiece of the Department of Defense’s commitment to America’s Promise for Youth through its emphasis on service learning, community service, and teen anti-drug efforts.
- Build your capacity for life-long learning
- Communicate using verbal, non-verbal, visual, and written techniques
- Take responsibility for your actions and choices
- Do your share as a good citizen in your school, community, country, and the world
- Treat yourself and others with respect
- Apply critical thinking techniques
- Participate as a member of a team, exercising mutual respect/discipline and sportsmanship
Fitness/Cadet Challenge
Alcohol/Drug Awareness/Project
Country Project
Intro to Geography/Maps
Effective Writing Skills
Written Communication for Sergeants (basic vocab/grammar skill refresher)
Current Events
First Aid (with possible CPR/Basic First Aid 2yr. Certification)
Government/Constitution/Natural Rights
Intro to Finance/Credit
Cadets are required to have and maintain the following materials in class throughout the term (unless otherwise indicated):
Pen and pencil (pen should be blue or black ink)
School issued personal agenda
Personal reading book
Personal writing journal (composition style notebook, to remain in class)
Composition Notebook (For note taking)
Water bottle (filled prior to class with water only)
SMA Physical Training clothing (Fridays)
Any additional items that are pertinent to the day of the week or special project being conducted
The JROTC curriculum is performance-based. Cadets demonstrate the skills, apply the knowledge, and model or exhibit behaviors representing the desired attitudes; thus, assessment tasks serve as tools for verifying and documenting that cadets have mastered the competencies. To help instructors and cadets determine when cadets have reached proficiency, each competency is defined by a set of performance standards that are compared against assessment tasks or scoring guides (rubrics). These tools not only allow cadets to determine their strengths and weaknesses; they show cadets’ growth over time; and validate their grades against the competencies. Instructors benefit from the scoring guides with grading consistency; feedback on their teaching techniques when there are high successes or failures; and providing documentation for JROTC and school inspection and accreditation processes.
The JROTC curriculum uses a balanced assessment approach to assessing learning.
Traditional assessments focus on fundamental curriculum knowledge through the use of classroom assessments, assignments, tests, quizzes, and standardized tests. These assessments can be completed and maintained through the Curriculum Manager System. Performance assessments focus on standards, competencies, application, and transfer of knowledge. Cadets document mastery of the competencies by completing performance assessment tasks included in the Cadet Learning Plans, or by completing an adaptation of the assessment task developed by the instructor.
Though formal assessments such as multiple-choice, paper-pencil exams may be useful in providing feedback to cadets about their initial grasp of knowledge and ability to remember facts and information, they are not adequate for the task of assessing cadets’ mastery of the competencies. Combining informal assessments such as completing performance assessment tasks included in the curriculum or by completing an adaptation of the assessment tasks are required to demonstrate mastery of the competencies.
- Academics 40%
- Employability 30%
- Physical Training 10%
- Inspection 20%
*Employability encompasses everything from your behavior to your preparedness for class. Factors affecting your employability grade are not exclusive to the classroom or campus.
90 – 100 A
80 – 89 B
70 – 79 C
60 – 69 D
0 – 59 F
**Keep in mind that all of the above categories will account for only 80% of your final GPA. The other 20% will come from your Semester Final Exams.
Unless told otherwise, every Friday you will be required to bring the SMA PT Uniform to change into for Physical Training (PT). You will need the authorized short and t-shirt, appropriate BLACK socks (Ankle High), running shoes and full water bottle. We will often find ourselves off campus without ready access to an appropriate water source, so it is imperative that you have your water bottle and ensure it is full prior to the start of PT. If you are not able to change out on PT days because you forgot a portion of your PT uniform, you will receive a ZERO for that day’s training. If, for some reason you cannot conduct PT due to a medical condition, bring a note in (prior to PT) signed by your parent and provide it to the school Administrator prior to first formation. The administrator will rule whether it is valid and for how long of a period. CW3 Munoz will only accept a note from an Administrator in order to excuse you from PT activities with no penalty to your PT overall grade of 10%.
You will have a formal in-ranks inspection every week. You will be inspected in areas of: Uniform (pressed/clean/fit/serviceability), beret (worn properly, clean, serviceable, size), hair (worn properly/cut, to include shaving/appropriate clips), shoes/belt, uniform items, professionalism in formation, overall personal appearance (make-up, fingernails, jewelry (rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets). Inspections will normally be conducted by company leadership and those that need to perform an inspection for promotion purposes. I reserve the right to conduct the inspection myself, without any prior notice. Your FIRST company formal in-ranks inspection that I perform will not be graded. The rubric for grading you during in-rank inspections for each of the aforementioned areas will be posted to your google classroom for your reference. Everyone starts off with 100 points at the beginning of the inspection. You are required to wear ALL authorized awards and decorations for Monday inspections. Failure to do so will result in an automatic 50 points off of your inspection grade. If, during the conduct of the inspection, you are unprofessional to the point that you are removed from the inspection, you will receive a zero. If you are not in Class B uniform, with an excused note from an Administrator, you will receive a zero for the inspection. If you are ABSENT on inspection day, you will be inspected the very next Class B day that you are back in class. If you are given a zero for the same area two inspections in a row, you will receive an overall inspection grade of zero for the second inspection. Remember that inspections count for 20% of your overall grade.
Cheating in or out of class will not be tolerated and will result in a zero for the assignment, test, quiz, or project, as well as a referral to the administration.
From time to time, you will be responsible for utilizing a source of some sort to write papers or give presentations. Represent yourself in an Honorable manner when writing a paper based on the information you gained from someone else’s thoughts. If it is determined that you plagiarized a paper or speech, you will receive a zero for the assignment, receive a referral and have no chance to make up the assignment.
Plagiarism can be described as:
“Taking the words or thoughts of someone else and reproducing them (either orally or written) as if they were your own”. Simple placing quotation marks at the beginning and ending of several sentences does not exonerate you from the liabilities of plagiarism.
Monday through Thursdays, the required uniform is the Class B uniform. Fridays, the authorized uniforms are the appropriate polo uniform (purchased from Children’s World) or the Class B uniform, which can be worn EVERY DAY at SMA. If there is any reason as to why you are not in Class B uniform Mon-Thu, you must have PRIOR approval from an Administrator. Failure to be in CLASS B uniform, or a COMPLETE Class B uniform will result in you sitting in the detention room for the day until your deficiency is corrected (unless you are excused by an administrator for extenuating circumstances). If you acquire some type of physical injury that impedes you from wearing all or part of the Class B uniform, you need to obtain approval from an administrator. An administrator will determine if you must still wear all or part of your Class B uniform for medical reasons. Do NOT make the decision yourself and show up to school in an improper uniform that has not been authorized. In any case…things happen (legitimately), if you find yourself out of uniform, proceed to see an administrator PRIOR to formation and plead your case. After you see the administrator, update me on your status. Remember that the only socks authorized with ANY uniform, are ALL BLACK socks (Ankle High).
LET 3: Juniors
This course focuses on the development of: better citizens by building skills in leadership, citizenship, life success, geography, cultural awareness, wellness; and fitness in a structured, interactive environment. The JROTC program is a cooperative effort on the part of JROTC and SMA to provide high school cadets with opportunities to become well rounded citizens. The flexibility of the program allows it to bear the scrutiny of professional educators and to meet the needs of the community. This course includes classroom instruction and laboratory instruction expanding on the skills taught in LET 1 - 2. This course allows cadets to investigate the interrelationships of the services while it continues to build their leadership development and decision-making skills. It includes negotiation skills and management principles. It emphasizes staff procedures and provides opportunities to handle various leadership situations. The research, identification, planning, and execution of service learning activities are included. The performance standards in this course are based on the performance standards identified in the curriculum for the US Army JROTC. Satisfactory completion of the program can lead to advanced placement credit in the Senior ROTC program at participating colleges or advanced rank in the Armed Forces. Several components of the course have been identified for college credit that is awarded to cadets upon successful completion of the specified requirements. In addition, several components have been identified to meet high school graduation requirements while gaining leadership skills through the program.
- Build your capacity for life-long learning
- Communicate using verbal, non-verbal, visual, and written techniques
- Take responsibility for your actions and choices
- Do your share as a good citizen in your school, community, country, and the world
- Treat yourself and others with respect
- Apply critical thinking techniques
- Participate as a member of a team, exercising mutual respect/discipline and sportsmanship
This course continues to emphasize American symbols, customs and traditions and the history and purpose of Army JROTC. Additionally, this course also introduces Cadets to Personal Finance by way of the National Endowment of Financial Education (NEFE) high school financial planning program. Financial development program guides Cadets to develop a financial plan which involves budgeting, investing, using credit wisely, and keeping money safe and secure and the value of insurance.
Cadets will also be introduced to the communication process among individuals and the communication principles of writing, speaking, and listening. Cadets will be able to describe the basic principles necessary for preparing and presenting effective oral communications and will have numerous opportunities to present information/ideas orally and in writing. Cadets will explore career planning and develop a career and/or college preparation plan as well as developing enhanced social responsibility skills. And finally, will participate in the March2Success program which helps Cadets prepare for and/or improve their SAT & ACT scores.
Cadets are required to have and maintain the following materials in class throughout the term (unless otherwise indicated):
Pen and pencil (pen should be blue or black ink)
School issued personal agenda
Personal reading book
Personal writing journal (composition style notebook, to remain in class)
Composition Notebook (For note taking)
Water bottle (filled prior to class with water only)
SMA Physical Training clothing (Fridays)
Any additional items that are pertinent to the day of the week or special project being conducted
The JROTC curriculum is performance-based. Cadets demonstrate the skills, apply the knowledge, and model or exhibit behaviors representing the desired attitudes; thus, assessment tasks serve as tools for verifying and documenting that cadets have mastered the competencies. To help instructors and cadets determine when cadets have reached proficiency, each competency is defined by a set of performance standards that are compared against assessment tasks or scoring guides (rubrics). These tools not only allow cadets to determine their strengths and weaknesses; they show cadets’ growth over time; and validate their grades against the competencies. Instructors benefit from the scoring guides with grading consistency; feedback on their teaching techniques when there are high successes or failures; and providing documentation for JROTC and school inspection and accreditation processes.
The JROTC curriculum uses a balanced assessment approach to assessing learning.
Traditional assessments focus on fundamental curriculum knowledge through the use of classroom assessments, assignments, tests, quizzes, and standardized tests. These assessments can be completed and maintained through the Curriculum Manager System. Performance assessments focus on standards, competencies, application, and transfer of knowledge. Cadets document mastery of the competencies by completing performance assessment tasks included in the Cadet Learning Plans, or by completing an adaptation of the assessment task developed by the instructor.
Though formal assessments such as multiple-choice, paper-pencil exams may be useful in providing feedback to cadets about their initial grasp of knowledge and ability to remember facts and information, they are not adequate for the task of assessing cadets’ mastery of the competencies. Combining informal assessments such as completing performance assessment tasks included in the curriculum or by completing an adaptation of the assessment tasks are required to demonstrate mastery of the competencies.
- Academics 40%
- Employability 30%
- Physical Training 10%
- Inspection 20%
*Employability encompasses everything from your behavior to your preparedness for class. Factors affecting your employability grade are not exclusive to the classroom or campus.
90 – 100 A
80 – 89 B
70 – 79 C
60 – 69 D
0 – 59 F
**Keep in mind that all of the above categories will account for only 80% of your final GPA. The other 20% will come from your Semester Final Exams.
Unless told otherwise, every Friday you will be required to bring the SMA PT Uniform to change into for Physical Training (PT). You will need the authorized short and t-shirt, appropriate BLACK socks (Ankle High), running shoes and full water bottle. We will often find ourselves off campus without ready access to an appropriate water source, so it is imperative that you have your water bottle and ensure it is full prior to the start of PT. If you are not able to change out on PT days because you forgot a portion of your PT uniform, you will receive a ZERO for that day’s training. If, for some reason you cannot conduct PT due to a medical condition, bring a note in (prior to PT) signed by your parent and provide it to the school Administrator prior to first formation. The administrator will rule whether it is valid and for how long of a period. CW3 Munoz will only accept a note from an Administrator in order to excuse you from PT activities with no penalty to your PT overall grade of 10%.
You will have a formal in-ranks inspection every week. You will be inspected in areas of: Uniform (pressed/clean/fit/serviceability), beret (worn properly, clean, serviceable, size), hair (worn properly/cut, to include shaving/appropriate clips), shoes/belt, uniform items, professionalism in formation, overall personal appearance (make-up, fingernails, jewelry (rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets). Inspections will normally be conducted by company leadership and those that need to perform an inspection for promotion purposes. I reserve the right to conduct the inspection myself, without any prior notice. Your FIRST company formal in-ranks inspection that I perform will not be graded. The rubric for grading you during in-rank inspections for each of the aforementioned areas will be posted to your google classroom for your reference. Everyone starts off with 100 points at the beginning of the inspection. You are required to wear ALL authorized awards and decorations for Monday inspections. Failure to do so will result in an automatic 50 points off of your inspection grade. If, during the conduct of the inspection, you are unprofessional to the point that you are removed from the inspection, you will receive a zero. If you are not in Class B uniform, with an excused note from an Administrator, you will receive a zero for the inspection. If you are ABSENT on inspection day, you will be inspected the very next Class B day that you are back in class. If you are given a zero for the same area two inspections in a row, you will receive an overall inspection grade of zero for the second inspection. Remember that inspections count for 20% of your overall grade.
Cheating in or out of class will not be tolerated and will result in a zero for the assignment, test, quiz, or project, as well as a referral to the administration.
From time to time, you will be responsible for utilizing a source of some sort to write papers or give presentations. Represent yourself in an Honorable manner when writing a paper based on the information you gained from someone else’s thoughts. If it is determined that you plagiarized a paper or speech, you will receive a zero for the assignment, receive a referral and have no chance to make up the assignment.
Plagiarism can be described as:
“Taking the words or thoughts of someone else and reproducing them (either orally or written) as if they were your own”. Simple placing quotation marks at the beginning and ending of several sentences does not exonerate you from the liabilities of plagiarism.
Monday through Thursdays, the required uniform is the Class B uniform. Fridays, the authorized uniforms are the appropriate polo uniform (purchased from Children’s World) or the Class B uniform, which can be worn EVERY DAY at SMA. If there is any reason as to why you are not in Class B uniform Mon-Thu, you must have PRIOR approval from an Administrator. Failure to be in CLASS B uniform, or a COMPLETE Class B uniform will result in you sitting in the detention room for the day until your deficiency is corrected (unless you are excused by an administrator for extenuating circumstances). If you acquire some type of physical injury that impedes you from wearing all or part of the Class B uniform, you need to obtain approval from an administrator. An administrator will determine if you must still wear all or part of your Class B uniform for medical reasons. Do NOT make the decision yourself and show up to school in an improper uniform that has not been authorized. In any case…things happen (legitimately), if you find yourself out of uniform, proceed to see an administrator PRIOR to formation and plead your case. After you see the administrator, update me on your status. Remember that the only socks authorized with ANY uniform, are ALL BLACK socks (Ankle High).
LET 4: Seniors
This course focuses on the development of: better citizens by building skills in leadership, citizenship, life success, geography, cultural awareness, wellness; and fitness in a structured, interactive environment. The JROTC program is a cooperative effort on the part of JROTC and SMA to provide high school cadets with opportunities to become well rounded citizens. The flexibility of the program allows it to bear the scrutiny of professional educators and to meet the needs of the community. Satisfactory completion of the program can lead to advanced placement credit in the Senior ROTC program at participating colleges or advanced rank in the Armed Forces. Several components of the course have been identified for college credit that is awarded to cadets upon successful completion of the specified requirements. In addition, several components have been identified to meet high school graduation requirements while gaining leadership skills through the program. The JROTC program is one of the Army’s contributions to motivate America’s youth to become better citizens. The program produces successful Cadets and productive adults, while fostering in each school a more constructive and disciplined learning environment. This program makes substantial contributions to many communities and ultimately to the nation’s future. It is the centerpiece of the Department of Defense’s commitment to America’s Promise for Youth through its emphasis on service learning, community service, and teen anti-drug efforts.
- Build your capacity for life-long learning
- Communicate using verbal, non-verbal, visual, and written techniques
- Take responsibility for your actions and choices
- Do your share as a good citizen in your school, community, country, and the world
- Treat yourself and others with respect
- Apply critical thinking techniques
- Participate as a member of a team, exercising mutual respect/discipline and sportsmanship
This course continues to emphasize American symbols, customs and traditions and the history and purpose of Army JROTC. Additionally, this course builds on Cadets’ knowledge of Personal Finance by way of the National Endowment of Financial Education (NEFE) high school financial planning program. The Financial development program guides Cadets to develop a financial plan which involves budgeting, investing, using credit wisely, and keeping money safe and secure and the value of insurance.
Cadets will also further develop their communication skills and the communication principles of writing, speaking, and listening. Cadets will be able to describe the basic principles necessary for preparing and presenting effective oral communications and will have numerous opportunities to present information/ideas orally and in writing. Cadets will also be introduced to topics such as interviewing skills, career preparation, Armed Forces opportunities, career planning and develop a career and/or college preparation plan as well as enhance social responsibility skills. And finally, will participate in the March2Success program which helps Cadets prepare for and/or improve their SAT & ACT scores.
Cadets are required to have and maintain the following materials in class throughout the term (unless otherwise indicated):
Pen and pencil (pen should be blue or black ink)
School issued personal agenda
Personal reading book
Personal writing journal (composition style notebook, to remain in class)
Composition Notebook (For note taking)
Water bottle (filled prior to class with water only)
SMA Physical Training clothing (Fridays)
Any additional items that are pertinent to the day of the week or special project being conducted
The JROTC curriculum is performance-based. Cadets demonstrate the skills, apply the knowledge, and model or exhibit behaviors representing the desired attitudes; thus, assessment tasks serve as tools for verifying and documenting that cadets have mastered the competencies. To help instructors and cadets determine when cadets have reached proficiency, each competency is defined by a set of performance standards that are compared against assessment tasks or scoring guides (rubrics). These tools not only allow cadets to determine their strengths and weaknesses; they show cadets’ growth over time; and validate their grades against the competencies. Instructors benefit from the scoring guides with grading consistency; feedback on their teaching techniques when there are high successes or failures; and providing documentation for JROTC and school inspection and accreditation processes.
The JROTC curriculum uses a balanced assessment approach to assessing learning.
Traditional assessments focus on fundamental curriculum knowledge through the use of classroom assessments, assignments, tests, quizzes, and standardized tests. These assessments can be completed and maintained through the Curriculum Manager System. Performance assessments focus on standards, competencies, application, and transfer of knowledge. Cadets document mastery of the competencies by completing performance assessment tasks included in the Cadet Learning Plans, or by completing an adaptation of the assessment task developed by the instructor.
Though formal assessments such as multiple-choice, paper-pencil exams may be useful in providing feedback to cadets about their initial grasp of knowledge and ability to remember facts and information, they are not adequate for the task of assessing cadets’ mastery of the competencies. Combining informal assessments such as completing performance assessment tasks included in the curriculum or by completing an adaptation of the assessment tasks are required to demonstrate mastery of the competencies.
- Academics 40%
- Employability 30%
- Physical Training 10%
- Inspection 20%
*Employability encompasses everything from your behavior to your preparedness for class. Factors affecting your employability grade are not exclusive to the classroom or campus.
90 – 100 A
80 – 89 B
70 – 79 C
60 – 69 D
0 – 59 F
**Keep in mind that all of the above categories will account for only 80% of your final GPA. The other 20% will come from your Semester Final Exams.
Unless told otherwise, every Friday you will be required to bring the SMA PT Uniform to change into for Physical Training (PT). You will need the authorized short and t-shirt, appropriate BLACK socks (Ankle High), running shoes and full water bottle. We will often find ourselves off campus without ready access to an appropriate water source, so it is imperative that you have your water bottle and ensure it is full prior to the start of PT. If you are not able to change out on PT days because you forgot a portion of your PT uniform, you will receive a ZERO for that day’s training. If, for some reason you cannot conduct PT due to a medical condition, bring a note in (prior to PT) signed by your parent and provide it to the school Administrator prior to first formation. The administrator will rule whether it is valid and for how long of a period. CW3 Munoz will only accept a note from an Administrator in order to excuse you from PT activities with no penalty to your PT overall grade of 10%.
You will have a formal in-ranks inspection every week. You will be inspected in areas of: Uniform (pressed/clean/fit/serviceability), beret (worn properly, clean, serviceable, size), hair (worn properly/cut, to include shaving/appropriate clips), shoes/belt, uniform items, professionalism in formation, overall personal appearance (make-up, fingernails, jewelry (rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets). Inspections will normally be conducted by company leadership and those that need to perform an inspection for promotion purposes. I reserve the right to conduct the inspection myself, without any prior notice. Your FIRST company formal in-ranks inspection that I perform will not be graded. The rubric for grading you during in-rank inspections for each of the aforementioned areas will be posted to your google classroom for your reference. Everyone starts off with 100 points at the beginning of the inspection. You are required to wear ALL authorized awards and decorations for Monday inspections. Failure to do so will result in an automatic 50 points off of your inspection grade. If, during the conduct of the inspection, you are unprofessional to the point that you are removed from the inspection, you will receive a zero. If you are not in Class B uniform, with an excused note from an Administrator, you will receive a zero for the inspection. If you are ABSENT on inspection day, you will be inspected the very next Class B day that you are back in class. If you are given a zero for the same area two inspections in a row, you will receive an overall inspection grade of zero for the second inspection. Remember that inspections count for 20% of your overall grade.
Cheating in or out of class will not be tolerated and will result in a zero for the assignment, test, quiz, or project, as well as a referral to the administration.
From time to time, you will be responsible for utilizing a source of some sort to write papers or give presentations. Represent yourself in an Honorable manner when writing a paper based on the information you gained from someone else’s thoughts. If it is determined that you plagiarized a paper or speech, you will receive a zero for the assignment, receive a referral and have no chance to make up the assignment.
Plagiarism can be described as:
“Taking the words or thoughts of someone else and reproducing them (either orally or written) as if they were your own”. Simple placing quotation marks at the beginning and ending of several sentences does not exonerate you from the liabilities of plagiarism.
Monday through Thursdays, the required uniform is the Class B uniform. Fridays, the authorized uniforms are the appropriate polo uniform (purchased from Children’s World) or the Class B uniform, which can be worn EVERY DAY at SMA. If there is any reason as to why you are not in Class B uniform Mon-Thu, you must have PRIOR approval from an Administrator. Failure to be in CLASS B uniform, or a COMPLETE Class B uniform will result in you sitting in the detention room for the day until your deficiency is corrected (unless you are excused by an administrator for extenuating circumstances). If you acquire some type of physical injury that impedes you from wearing all or part of the Class B uniform, you need to obtain approval from an administrator. An administrator will determine if you must still wear all or part of your Class B uniform for medical reasons. Do NOT make the decision yourself and show up to school in an improper uniform that has not been authorized. In any case…things happen (legitimately), if you find yourself out of uniform, proceed to see an administrator PRIOR to formation and plead your case. After you see the administrator, update me on your status. Remember that the only socks authorized with ANY uniform, are ALL BLACK socks (Ankle High).