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Application Process

  1. Explore/Visit: Sign up for an Admissions Information Event  at one of our campuses: SMA Prep Middle 6-8th Grade or SMA High 9-12th Grade  to learn about our educational approach and tour the school. 
  2. Apply: Please complete and submit your application.
  3. Receive an enrollment offer:  At the end of the Open Enrollment Period (Jan. 31st), we follow our Selection & Lottery Process. Once you have been selected, you will receive an email enrollment offer to continue the admissions process. 
  4. Submit Documents: You will receive an email containing instructions for submitting the enrollment form, along with details on confirming your seat and the necessary documents required to complete the admissions process.
  5. Join our community: Get to know us by following our Social Media (@SarasotaMilitaryAcademy or @SMAprep).
6th Grade: 158
7th Grade: 150
8th Grade: 168
9th Grade:188
10th Grade: 153
11th Grade: 149
12th Grade: 131

Selection & Lottery

Sarasota Military Academy is open to any student who resides in the Sarasota County School District, as well as the surrounding county School Districts.  Students will be considered for admission without regard to race, religion, gender, or national or ethnic origin.

1.  Each year, the School agrees to enroll an eligible student by accepting a timely application from October 1st through January 31st of each year.  The School’s registration procedures and open enrollment period shall be publicly advertised.

2.  All applications that are submitted between October 1st and January 31st are recorded on a spreadsheet by grade level and assigned a number.

3.  After the January 31st deadline, SMA reviews the number applications received compared to the number of seats available at each grade level.

a. If the number of applications received is less than the number of openings, all eligible students are admitted.

b. If the number of applications exceeds the capacity of the programs, class, grade level, or building, SMA will publicize and hold a random lottery, applying preferences as stated in school’s charter and in accordance to state law, for all applicants to fill the seats available based upon Florida Statute 1002.33, subsection (10), article (b) and (10)(e)(1).

4.  All applications received during the open application period shall be accepted for the lottery. Following the closing date for applications, a lottery will be conducted only if there are more applications received than ‘seats available’ for the affected grade levels.

5.  Three groups of cadets will be afforded preference for admissions to SMA. As previously noted, ‘seats available’ or ‘open positions’ for enrollment will be determined by grade level openings and the approved maximum enrollment established in the school’s charter. When there are more applicants for grade level enrollment than ‘seats available,’ admissions preferences shall be applied in the following sequence:

1.    Students who are siblings of a student enrolled in the charter school.

2.    Students who are the children of an employee of the charter school.

3.    Students who are the children of an active duty member of any branch of the United States Armed Forces.

  1.  Applications received after the open application period will be placed at the end of the waiting list after the lottery has been concluded.

7.  Students not offered admission may reapply for the subsequent school year during the next enrollment window beginning October 1st through January 31st.

8.  SMA will not screen or review a student’s ELL and/or ESE status or IEP prior to the date of notice of acceptance is sent to the student’s parent/guardian.