SENIORS 2024-25
College/Career Opportunities ~ Check It Out!
Scholarships Available!
**Cadets: All information for Senior Activities can be located on Google Classroom - code: mupkm5w
**Parents/Guardians: Join Remind App w/Code - @25SMA
These packages and discounts are only offered during the first payment window which ends on August 16, 2024. All subsequent payments must be made on time; failure to do so will result in a $10.00 late fee per late payment. Students may not buy packages at reduced cost after the first payment window ends. After that window closes, students will have to pay for activities individually at an increased price. Refunds will not be issued for any package for any reason, including school conflict or ineligibility to attend (as a result of behavior, failing grades, or lack of attendance). Caps and gowns are NOT included in the senior package; a link to purchase caps and gowns for graduation will be provided by the end of the first semester on Google Classroom.